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Too Much Heaven(Bee Gees) [128k/mp3]

搖滾樂壇70年代的老牌迪士科樂樂隊比基斯(Bee Gees Bee Gees的團名取自Barry Gibb的起首字母,於英國曼徹斯特組成,因父親是樂團團長,青少年時即在舞台上表演。1958全家移民澳洲,首支單曲"Three Kisses Of Love" (1963)稍獲成功。到1966年他們已成為澳洲頂尖的合唱團。1967年澳洲經紀人Robert Stigwood帶著他們回到英國發展。此時Colin Petersen加入擔任鼓手,Vince Melouney亦加入擔任吉他手。Bee Gees到英國後,"Spicks And Specks"在澳洲奪下排行榜冠軍。旋即並以"New York Mining Disaster, 1941"在英美創下佳績,繼"To Love Somebody"和"Holiday"成為暢銷曲,"Massachusetts"也登上英國金榜榜首。"I""ve Got To Get A Message To you"更證明他們兄弟詞曲創作的才華。


出生在愛爾蘭海的曼島,比吉斯兄弟從小便受音樂的薰陶,父親Hugh是樂團的團長,母親Barbara則是位歌手。9歲那時Barry已經開始歌唱並彈奏父親送給他的吉他,幫他伴奏的是兩個6歲的雙胞胎兄弟Robin與Maurice。Robin與Barry那獨一無二的嗓音成為日後樂團的著名標籤,Maurice則是在吉他、貝斯及鍵盤等樂器上鑽研。在十幾歲時,他們隨著父母搬至澳洲,以Rattlesnakes為團名在布里斯本的賽馬場表演。1966年的Spicks & Specks為他們在澳洲得到首張冠軍單曲,1967年三人以比吉斯為團名正式重返英倫。

經紀人一職由披頭四經理人Brian Epstein的夥伴Robert Stigwood擔任,從此(60年代)開始,比吉斯以旋風之姿風靡了英倫。1967年推出的首張大碟The Bee Gees First不但讓他們成為榜上常客,其運用文字描繪影像的歌詞與讓人無法抗拒的旋律,使得歌曲New York Mining Disaster 1941、I Started A Joke、Massachusetts、Holiday和Words如今依舊是代表那個年代的偉大歌曲。早期的比吉斯以充滿靈魂的音樂為走向,指標作To Love Somebody便是獻給Otis Redding這位對Robin唱腔影響極鉅的節奏藍調大師。在專輯呈現上比吉斯也不落俗套,69年的Odessa便是一例,該專輯與The Who的Tommy並列為先導概念之作。

隨著How Can You Mend A Broken Heart在70年代初期奪下排行榜的冠軍,比吉斯堂堂邁入他們的輝煌時期。70年代中期,比吉斯轉向他們稱之為『藍眼靈魂樂』的音樂風格,以假音唱腔搭配富旋律的曲調與肥厚的貝斯聲線,儼然成為新式的R&B風潮。對於他們來說,放克的增添使得他們對節奏藍調的熱情再次甦醒。Main Course這張由Arif Mardin打造的專輯,其中2支單曲Jive Talkin'與Nights on Broadway更在97年轟動各大舞池。然而對之後的Saturday Night Fever而言,它們只是道開胃前菜,因為這張『Saturday Night Fever(週末的狂熱)』電影原聲帶後來成為70年代最受歡迎的專輯,並開出4千萬張的銷售狂潮。

接下來的Spirits Having Flown奠定了他們「世界最偉大樂團」的地位,在這段光輝歲月裡,比吉斯締造了兩項空前絕後的紀錄:樂史上唯一連續創作出6首全美冠軍曲的藝人、以及唯一同時擁有5首歌曲在美國單曲榜Top 10的歌手。另一位Gibb家族成員也在70年代末期展露頭角,在Barry的庇護下,19歲的Andy Gibb在1978年囊括了三座單曲冠軍I Just Want to Be Your Everything、(Love Is) Thicker than Water及Shadow Dancing。

比吉斯在80年代開始各自發展,80年初期Barry與他的製作群大部份時間都在和歌壇巨星如芭芭拉史翠珊的專輯Guilty、戴安娜羅絲的Chain Reaction、Dionne Warwick的Heartbreaker以及肯尼羅傑斯與桃麗芭頓合唱的Islands in the Stream合作。這些由比吉斯創作加上Barry製作的歌曲,最後多數都成為歌手們最具代表的作品,而最佳拍擋比吉斯自己本身也以UK冠軍You Win Again再現橫掃全球的魅力。90年初比吉斯在五大洲舉辦久違的現場演出,緊接著的One Night Only電視特集更在全球造成熱烈迴響。



Release date發行年份 Album title專輯名稱 Label廠牌

1967 Bee Gees 1st Polydor

1968 Idea Polydor

1968 Horizontal Polydor

1969 Odessa Polydor

1969 Best Of The Bee Gees Vol. 1 Polydor

1970 Cucumber Castle Polydor

1971 Trafalgar Polydor

1971 2 Year On Polydor

1972 To Whom It May Concern Polydor

1973 Life In A Tin Can Polydor

1973 Best The Bee Gees Vol. 2 Polydor

1974 Mr. Natural Polydor

1975 Main Course Polydor

1976 Gold Polydor

1976 Children Of The World Polydor

1977 Here At Last…Live Polydor

1979 Spirits Having Flown Polydor

1979 Greatest Polydor

1981 Living Eyes RSO

1987 E.S.P. Warner Music

1989 One Warner Music

1991 Ever Increasing Circles Magnum

1991 High Civilization Warner Music

1993 The Great Bee Gees Goldies

1993 Size Isn't Everything Polydor

1995 To Be Or Not To Be Thumderbolt

1997 Claustrophobia Big Eye Music

1997 Still Waters Polydor

1998 One Night Only Polydor

2000 Classic Years Dressed To Kill

2001 This Is Where I Came In Universal Music


·How Deep Is Your Love
·I Started A Joke
·Too Much Heaven

Nobody gets too much heaven no more.
It's much harder to come by; I'm waiting in line.
Nobody gets too much love anymore.
It's as high as a mountain and harder to climb.

Ooh, you and me, girl, got a lot of love in store.
And it flows to you, and it flows to me,
And I love you so much more.
Then my life: I can see beyond forever.
Everything we are will never die.
Love is such a beautiful thing.
Oh. you make my world a summer day.
Are you just a dream to fade away?

Nobody gets too much heaven no more.
It's much harder to come by; I'm waiting in line.
Nobody gets too much love anymore.
It's as high as a mountain and harder to climb.

You and me, girl, got a highway to the sky.
We can turn away from the night and day
And the tears we had to cry.
You're my life; I can see a new tomorrow.
Everything we are will never die.
Love is such a beautiful thing
When you are to me the light above
Made for all to see our precious love.

Nobody gets too much heaven no more.
It's much harder to come by; I'm waiting in line.
Nobody gets too much love anymore.
It's as high as a mountain and harder to climb.

Love is such a beautiful thing.
You make my world a summer day.
Are you just a dream to fade away?

Nobody gets too much heaven no more.
It's much harder to come by; I'm waiting in line.
Nobody gets too much love anymore.
It's as wide as a river and harder to cross.

Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as wide as a river and harder to cross

Nobody gets too much heaven no more.
It's much harder to come by; I'm waiting in line.

Nobody gets too much love anymore.
It's as high as a mountain and harder to climb.

Nobody gets too much heaven no more.
It's much harder to come by; I'm waiting in line.

[楼 主] 来自:未知地区 | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | Posted: 2008-06-02 11:48 PM

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